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On the Existence of God - Does God Exist?

By Miroslav Bonchev Bonchev Botev
Definition 1: Truth is this which it true/correct.
Part 1 - Forward
Theorem 2: Truth always exists.


Suppose truth does not exist, but then this very statement is wrong. So, truth exists.

Suppose something exists. Now, either the truth about it exists, or the truth about it does not exist. But if the truth about it does not exist then it is a lie that it exists. So, if something exists, then truth about that also exists.

Suppose that nothing exists, but then I don’t exist. But I do exist as I write/read this, so a contradiction, so nothing does not exist. So, truth always exists. QED
Note 3: Something always exists – at minimum the Truth always exists.
Corollary 4: Truth is self-sustaining.


From theorem 2, truth always exists. But this is itself a truth, so the existence of truth is a truth. QED
Corollary 5: Truth is absolute.


The proof of theorem 2 used only absolute terms, so their product is absolute. QED
Corollary 6: Truth is complete. (As in covers everything.)


This follows immediately from Theorem 2, since truth always exists. QED

Remark: We can make a different argument and reach the same conclusion. Knowledge (as a category) is complete, i.e. has no boundaries. But knowledge is “of” Truth, so truth is also complete.
Corollary 7: Truth is consistent. (As in there is only one truth about a thing.)


Suppose there are two truths about something (in its completeness), but then the truth is not absolute, but this contradicts corollary 5. QED
Theorem 8: Consciousness exists.


I do not exist implies that I do not think, which is true. The contrapositive is: I think therefore I exist. But, I am conscious, as I proved that I exist, so consciousness exists. QED
Theorem 9: Truth is conscious.


By Theorem 8 consciousness exists. By Corollary 6 truth covers everything. So, consciousness is either represented or present in truth. But consciousness cannot be represented by other than consciousness, so it is present in truth. Now, consciousness is “of” comprehension, and comprehension cannot be partial, in order to be truthful and exists in the realm of truth, so comprehension (and consciousness) is throughout truth, so truth is conscious. QED
Corollary 10: Truth does not depend on anything.


Follows immediately from Corollary 5 – truth is absolute. QED
Theorem 11: Truth is sovereign.


Follows immediately from theorem 9 truth is conscious, and corollary 10 truth does not depend on anything, so it is sovereign. QED
Theorem 12: Truth is outside of space, time and matter.


Follows immediately form corollary 10. QED
Theorem 13: Truth is all powerful.


Truth is omnipotent in the realm of truth. But the realm of truth represents everything (truthfully), as truth represents everything (T2), so truth is omnipotent in all realms. QED
Summary 14: Truth always exists (T2), by itself (C4), and is independent from anything else (C10). Truth is not created – it simply exists by the virtue of its very nature. Truth cannot be destroyed or changed (C5). Truth is outside of space, it is timeless and not physical (T12). Truth has no limits and is complete (C6). Truth is consistent (C7), is conscious (T9), is sovereign (T11), and all powerful (T13).
Conclusion 15: God exists and is the Truth as the God defining attributes belongs to the Truth.
Remark 16: Unlike Truth, the existence of a lie is limited only where truth is not present, until exposed by the Truth.
Part 2 - Reverse
In part one, we proved that God exists. In part two we will show that He is the God of the Bible Yeshua/YHWH.
Theorem 17: Truth must manifest/claim Himself and be well known.


By its nature Truth cannot be unknown, or lie will abound. Hence, since Truth is conscious by theorem 9, He must manifest and declare Himself. QED
Observation and Claim 18: Yeshua of Nazareth the Christ is the only claimant to be the Truth.


Yeshua is the first and only one who claimed to be the Truth, and supported His claim with miracles and circumstantial evidence.

Notes: We note that Yeshua’s claim was so unprecedented that people laughed, ignored, and most likely could not appreciate its magnitude and scope. Yeshua is exclusive (with Him or against Him true/false). Yeshua backs His claim with prophecies which came through. Yeshua was prophesized about. Yeshua makes extraordinary interventions witnessed by many. Yeshua appeared in the most underdeveloped place of the known world, and in most unlikely circumstances to be successful, being rejected by the religious and civil authorities, had no any material riches and academic support such as a philosophy school and printing press or Internet, was a mere carpenter with a handful of unlearned followers, yet He become the most well-known and successful philosopher in the entire world, implementing theorem 17. His witnesses readily died for His teaching with most horrific death penalty. Other evidence can be seen when studding His words, the Bible and history. There are no other claimants especially who are well known meeting theorem 17. Also consider that no other deity claimed to be the Truth. QED
Conclusion 19: Yeshua/YHWH is the Truth and God.


Follows immediately form theorem 17 and observation and claim 18. QED
Summary 20: The God of the Bible Yeshua/YHWH does exist and is the Truth, as He declares. QED

Miroslav Bonchev Bonchev Botev, Update: 23.04.2019, original release 05.02.2017, 2011-2012, England

Final remarks

1. Can the Truth be a Creator?

Most certainly, the obvious necessary conditions for the Truth to be a Creator are met. For example, the ability to define sub-domains (i.e. created items) – Truth is active, as opposed to passive, since it is conscious, so it can produce. We also saw from corollary 10 that Truth does not depend on anything, so everything depends on it and since everything relates to it. More formally, since Yeshua/YHWH is the Truth, and the truth is always truthful/correct by definition, and since He claims that He is the Creator, then He is the Creator.

2. What about infinity?

Many claim that God is Infinite. However, infinity does not exist – see proofs. Note that God is complete (T6).

3. Isn't there a reference to infinity in corollary 4?

Corollary 4 (truth is self-sustaining) does not imply infinity. An infinite recursion which some may erroneously assume does not exist in corollary 4, since the recursion is interrupted at the first iteration, by the nature of truth, because each iteration after the first provides exactly the same truth which is provided by the first iteration. In other words repeating the same truth twice does not give us two truths. This is sufficient by itself, but in a more technical sense it can be used as a condition to stop the recursion.

Strictly speaking, we can define limitless in a way to exist, which to the sloppy minded might appear as "infinite": for example we can delve into "any" precision when counting, speaking "in theory" from our current perspective. However, the process remains always finite, well-structured and in a properly addressable domain - and clearly is restricted by all kinds of limiting factors, so "any" precision is loose wording for "precisions attainable and usable to us", which clearly excludes precisions not attainable and unusable to us. Essentially "infinity" is a faulty extrapolation of the above "limitless" and is proved not existent self contradictory notion.
Miroslav Bonchev Bonchev Botev
5-th February 2017
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