Copy Target Addresses - Place the Filenames of the Targets of Selected Items into the Clipboard (Dereference Shortcuts).

Act On File Windows Compatibility Seals

This section discusses the Copy Target Addresses functionality of the Locator module.
The Copy Target Addresses functionality of the Locator module is used to copy the paths of the targets of the selected items. For files and folders, the target of a selected item is the item itself. For selected shortcuts, the target is the file or folder which it points to. Thus, the Copy Target Addresses functionality copies the dereferenced full filenames of the selected items. To copy the full filenames of the selected items without dereferencing them, use the Copy Selection Addresses functionality. There are cases when we want to copy the full filename of one or more files or folders. This is not difficult; however it is a time-consuming procedure. The Copy Target Addresses functionality makes this quick and easy.
Capture: Copy Target Addresses
Copy Target Addresses


In Windows Explorer, select the files and folders whose full filenames (including paths) are required. Invoke the Windows Explorer context menu on the selected items and choose the Copy Target Addresses entry in the Locator submenu from the Act On File entries. The dereferenced full filenames (including paths) of the selected items are now copied to the clipboard as text. The filenames are separated with a separator which is defined in the properties dialog.


Capture: Properties Dialog, Copy Target Addresses page
Copy Target Addresses Properties
These controls determine the separator to be inserted between full filenames copied to the clipboard.
SeparatorSelect the required character or sequence of characters to be used as separator between the filenames copied to the clipboard.
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