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Act On File 2012 - The locator Module - The open command prompt Functionality Hi guest
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Open Command Prompt - Open a Command Prompt or PowerShell Window at a Selected Folder.

Act On File Windows Compatibility Seals

This section discusses the Open Command Prompt functionality of the Locator module.
The Open Command Prompt functionality of the Locator module is used to open Command Prompt or PowerShell Command Prompt and navigate the prompt to the selected folder. Most users avoid using the command prompt, however, for many developers and IT professionals, working with command prompts is part of the daily routine. The Open Command Prompt functionality of the Locator module of Act On File, combined with the Copy Selection Addresses and Copy Target Addresses functionalities, makes this simpler and saves significant amounts of time and effort otherwise spent on typing paths and changing directories.
Capture: Open Command Prompt
Open Command Prompt
In Windows Explorer, select the folders that you want to work with using the command prompt. Invoke the Windows Explorer context menu on the selected folders and choose the Open Command Prompt entry in the Locator submenu from the Act On File entries. Act On File will open a command prompt for each selected folder and navigate to it. Use the properties dialog to define whether the opened command prompts should be normal Command Prompts or PowerShell Command Prompts. If there are any files in the selection amongst the folders, the Open Command Prompt entry in the Locator context menu will be disabled as command prompt cannot navigate to a file.
Capture: Properties Dialog, Open Command Prompt page
Open Command Prompt Properties
These controls determine what type of command prompt will be opened when the Open Command Prompt functionality is invoked on selected folders.
Open CMD command promptOpen the traditional command prompt otherwise invoked using the "cmd" command. Note that when using the traditional CMD, command prompt network folders are always mapped as drives.
Open PowreShell command promptOpen PowerShell command prompt otherwise invoked using the "powershell" command. Note that PowerShell is unable to handle items that contain apostrophes in their name or path.
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